
This site is dedicated to beauty and my love of beautiful things. Photography is one way to try to capture beautiful visions for the entire world to see. It is my hope that others may enjoy a few of the images that I have had the enjoyment in taking.
My tool of choose is a Canon 5D. I have always enjoyed taking photos and when the chance to move from the world of 35 mm film into the digital world happened I jumped at it. I consider myself an Artist and I hope you enjoy some of my artwork. I thank God for any and all of the talent I may have I only hope to bring honor to him with the gifts he has given me.
I would like to thank my wonderful family for their love and support. Without them behind me I know I would not be anywhere. Thank you my lovely wife Maria, my son Ray Jr., my daughters Erica and Lailah.
Please enjoy and thank you for visiting,